The SRA designation, the Industry's most prestigious designation for Real Property Appraisers. SRA designated members are those who practice primarily residential appraisal, is held by real estate solutions providers who are experienced in the analysis and valuation of residential real property. The path to designation is a very difficult process; one which only the most dedicated and sophisticated appraisers attempt to acquire.
Receive credit for 4,000 hours of experience, including 2,000 hours of residential appraisal experience, all of which must meet strict criteria. Continual submission of appraisal reports to the Institute for peer review ensures SRA designated appraisers continue to be the elite group of appraisers that you should align yourself with. Demonstration Report: Receive credit for a demonstration appraisal report relating to a residential property that demonstrates the ability to present a properly supported value estimate or opinion evaluating the nature, quality, or utility of a parcel of real estate or any interest in, or aspect of, real property, or fulfill an approved comparable alternative. Because of its rigorous requirements and commitment to providing valuable information, continuing education and other valuable resources to its members, you can be confident an appraiser with an SRA designation will provide you with the very highest quality residential appraisal service. |